What is Navdha Bhakti? And why is it so important for us?

What is Navdha Bhakti?

Navdha Bhakti, also known as the Ninefold Devotion, is a concept that outlines nine different forms or expressions of devotional love towards God. These nine aspects of devotion are described in various sacred texts and are considered fundamental to the practice of bhakti (devotion). Each form of bhakti represents a specific way in which an individual can cultivate a deep and personal relationship with the divine. Here are the nine forms of Navdha Bhakti:

  1. Shravana: Shravana refers to the act of listening to the divine glories, stories, and teachings of God and the scriptures. It involves attentively hearing and contemplating on the divine leelas (divine plays) and teachings of the Lord, which inspire and deepen one’s love and understanding of the divine.
  2. Kirtana: Kirtana is the devotional singing or chanting of the divine names, hymns, and mantras. It involves singing praises, hymns, and devotional songs that glorify the divine, creating a blissful and melodious atmosphere that uplifts the mind and brings one closer to God.
  3. Smarana: Smarana is the constant remembrance of the divine, where one cultivates an unwavering awareness and mindfulness of God’s presence throughout daily life. It involves remembering God’s qualities, form, and grace, keeping the divine presence alive in one’s thoughts and actions.
  4. Padasevana: Padasevana refers to the act of serving the divine through humble service to the holy feet of God or his representatives. It involves offering acts of service, such as cleaning temples, massaging the feet of the Lord, or serving devotees, with a sense of devotion and reverence.
  5. Archana: Archana is the ritual worship and adoration of the divine through various prescribed rituals and ceremonies. It involves offering flowers, incense, lamps, and other symbolic items to the deity, expressing love and reverence for the divine form.
  6. Vandana: Vandana is the act of prostrating and surrendering oneself before the divine. It involves bowing down in reverence and humility, acknowledging the divine as the supreme authority and offering oneself completely to God’s will.
  7. Dasya: Dasya refers to the devotional sentiment of serving God with a sense of servitude and obedience. It involves considering oneself as a servant of God, seeking to fulfill the divine will and carrying out acts of service with utmost dedication and humility.
  8. Sakhya: Sakhya is the devotional sentiment of considering oneself as a friend of God. It involves cultivating a close and loving friendship with the divine, where one shares an intimate bond and freely expresses one’s thoughts, emotions, and love for God.
  9. Atmanivedana: Atmanivedana is the complete surrender of oneself to God. It involves offering one’s entire being, including body, mind, and ego, to the divine, recognizing that everything belongs to God and seeking refuge in the divine will.

These nine forms of devotion provide different ways for individuals to express their love and devotion towards the divine. Practitioners may resonate more with certain forms of devotion based on their innate temperament and spiritual inclination. The ultimate aim of Navdha Bhakti is to develop an intense and personal relationship with the divine, leading to self-realization and union with God.

Why is Navdha Bhakti so important?

Navdha Bhakti, or the Ninefold Devotion, holds significant importance in the practice of bhakti (devotion). It serves as a comprehensive framework that encompasses various aspects of expressing love and devotion towards the divine. Here are some reasons highlighting the importance of Navdha Bhakti:

  1. Diverse Pathways to Connect with the Divine: Navdha Bhakti recognizes that individuals have different inclinations, preferences, and temperaments. The nine forms of devotion offer diverse pathways to connect with the divine, allowing individuals to choose the path that resonates most deeply with their unique nature.
  2. Emotional and Intellectual Engagement: Navdha Bhakti engages both the heart and the intellect. It addresses the emotional aspect of devotion by encouraging love, surrender, and friendship with the divine. Simultaneously, it acknowledges the importance of intellectual understanding through listening, contemplation, and study of scriptures, providing a holistic approach to spiritual growth.
  3. Deepening Love and Connection: Each form of devotion in Navdha Bhakti helps deepen the love and connection with the divine. Through practices like listening to divine stories, chanting, and remembering God, devotees can cultivate a sense of intimacy, gratitude, and reverence, fostering a profound bond with the divine.
  4. Practical Application in Daily Life: Navdha Bhakti emphasizes that devotion is not limited to rituals or confined to sacred spaces. It encourages devotees to integrate devotional practices into their daily lives. By serving others, offering prayers, practicing mindfulness, and remembering the divine in all actions, devotees can infuse their entire existence with devotion.
  5. Balancing Different Aspects of Devotion: The nine forms of devotion in Navdha Bhakti provide a balanced approach to spiritual practice. They encompass acts of service, contemplation, worship, surrender, and companionship, ensuring a comprehensive development of devotion, rather than focusing solely on one aspect.
  6. Cultivating Spiritual Qualities: Navdha Bhakti helps develop important spiritual qualities and virtues such as gratitude, humility, surrender, compassion, and detachment. By practicing these forms of devotion, devotees cultivate qualities that are essential for personal growth and spiritual evolution.
  7. Integration of Individuality and Unity: Navdha Bhakti recognizes that devotees have unique relationships with the divine based on their individual preferences and inclinations. While the forms of devotion may differ, they all ultimately lead to the same goal: union with the divine. Navdha Bhakti promotes both individuality and the understanding of the underlying unity and oneness with God.

By embracing Navdha Bhakti and incorporating its various forms of devotion into spiritual practice, devotees can experience a multifaceted journey of love, devotion, and spiritual transformation. It provides a comprehensive and adaptable framework for individuals to deepen their connection with the divine and progress on the path of bhakti.

5 must read books related to “Navdha Bhakti”

Here are a few recommended books that explore the concept of devotion in Hindu philosophy and provide insights into the various paths of devotion:

  1. “Nectar of Devotion” (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu) by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: This book is a comprehensive guide to the various aspects of devotional service in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. It explores the different stages and practices of devotional service, including the nine forms of devotion.
  2. “The Yoga of Devotion: Bhakti Yoga” by Swami Vivekananda: In this book, Swami Vivekananda explains the concept of Bhakti Yoga, which is one of the paths of devotion. He discusses the nature of devotion, the qualities of a true devotee, and the methods to cultivate devotion.
  3. “The Heart of Hinduism: The Eastern Path to Freedom, Empowerment, and Illumination” by Stephen Knapp: This book provides an overview of various aspects of Hinduism, including a section on Bhakti Yoga and the nine forms of devotion. It delves into the significance of devotion and its practice in the Hindu spiritual path.
  4. “Bhakti Yoga: The Yoga of Love and Devotion” by Swami Mukundananda: Swami Mukundananda explores the path of Bhakti Yoga, emphasizing the importance of developing a loving relationship with God. The book covers different aspects of devotion, including the nine forms of devotion.
  5. “Bhakti and Philosophy” by Sushil Kumar Mohanty: This book delves into the philosophical underpinnings of devotion in Hinduism. It explores the relationship between devotion and philosophy, discussing the different paths of devotion and their significance.

These books offer valuable insights into the concept of devotion and can provide a deeper understanding of the nine forms of devotion. It is recommended to explore these texts to gain a comprehensive understanding of Navdha Bhakti and its practice.

Navdha Bhakti by Shri Ram Ji to Shabri Mata (Videos)

Navdha Bhakti Lyrics (Chaupaiyan) from Ramayan

नवधा भकति कहउँ तोहि पाहीं।
सावधान सुनु धरु मन माहीं।।

प्रथम भगति संतन्ह कर संगा।
दूसरि रति मम कथा प्रसंगा।।

गुर पद पकंज सेवा तीसरि भगति अमान।
चौथि भगति मम गुन गन करइ कपट तजि गान।

मन्त्र जाप मम दृढ़ बिस्वासा।
पंचम भजन सो बेद प्रकासा।।

छठ दम सील बिरति बहु करमा।
निरत निरंतर सज्जन धरमा।।
सातवँ सम मोहि मय जग देखा।
मोतें संत अधिक करि लेखा।।

आठवँ जथालाभ संतोषा।
सपनेहुँ नहिं देखइ परदोषा।।

नवम सरल सब सन छलहीना।
मम भरोस हियँ हरष न दीना।।

Navdha Bhakti Hindi Meaning

मैं तुझसे अब अपनी नवधा भक्ति कहता हूँ। तू सावधान होकर सुन और मन में धारण कर।

  1. पहली भक्ति है संतों का सत्संग।
  2. दूसरी भक्ति है मेरे कथा प्रसंग में प्रेम।
  3. तीसरी भक्ति है अभिमानरहित होकर गुरु के चरण कमलों की सेवा
  4. चौथी भक्ति यह है कि कपट छोड़कर मेरे गुण समूहों का गान करें।
  5. मंत्र का जाप और मुझमें दृढ़ विश्वास- यह पाँचवीं भक्ति है, जो वेदों में प्रसिद्ध है।
  6. छठी भक्ति है इंद्रियों का निग्रह, शील (अच्छा स्वभाव या चरित्र), बहुत कार्यों से वैराग्य और निरंतर संत पुरुषों के धर्म (आचरण) में लगे रहना।
  7. सातवीं भक्ति है जगत् भर को समभाव से मुझमें ओतप्रोत (राममय) देखना और संतों को मुझसे भी अधिक करके मानना।
  8. आठवीं भक्ति है जो कुछ मिल जाए, उसी में संतोष करना और स्वप्न में भी पराए दोषों को न देखना।
  9. नवीं भक्ति है सरलता और सबके साथ कपटरहित बर्ताव करना, हृदय में मेरा भरोसा रखना और किसी भी अवस्था में हर्ष और दैन्य (विषाद) का न होना।

इन नवों में से जिनके एक भी होती है, वह स्त्री-पुरुष, जड़-चेतन कोई भी हो हे भामिनि! मुझे वही अत्यंत प्रिय है। फिर तुझ में तो सभी प्रकार की भक्ति दृढ़ है। अतएव जो गति योगियों को भी दुर्लभ है, वही आज तेरे लिए सुलभ हो गई है।

Navdha Bhakti Katha by Shree Hita Ambrish Ji (20 hours)