8 yardsticks to evaluate if my bhakti is increasing?

Evaluating the progress of one’s Bhakti (devotion) is an introspective process. While it may not be possible to measure Bhakti quantitatively, there are several indicators that can help you assess whether your Bhakti is increasing. Here are some ways to evaluate the progress of your Bhakti:

  1. Deepening Love and Attachment: Notice if your love and attachment for the Supreme Lord are growing. Reflect on whether your feelings of affection, longing, and devotion towards the Lord are becoming more intense and heartfelt over time.
  2. Consistency in Devotional Practices: Evaluate the consistency of your devotional practices, such as chanting, prayer, meditation, reading scriptures, and acts of service. Consider whether you are engaging in these practices regularly and with increased dedication.
  3. Inner Transformation: Observe any positive changes in your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Assess whether you are becoming more compassionate, humble, forgiving, and selfless in your interactions with others. Notice if you are experiencing a greater sense of inner peace, joy, and contentment.
  4. Deepening Understanding: Reflect on whether your understanding and knowledge of the Lord and spiritual truths are expanding. Evaluate whether you are delving deeper into the study of scriptures, spiritual texts, and teachings of saints, and gaining a more profound comprehension of the divine principles.
  5. Quality of Relationship: Assess the quality of your relationship with the Lord. Consider whether your connection with the Supreme is becoming more intimate, personal, and meaningful. Notice if you are developing a sense of closeness and trust in your interactions with the divine.
  6. Service and Selflessness: Evaluate your engagement in selfless service (seva) for the pleasure of the Lord and His devotees. Assess whether you are increasing your acts of kindness, generosity, and compassionate service towards others, recognizing the divine presence in all beings.
  7. Growth in Gratitude and Surrender: Reflect on whether your gratitude towards the Lord is expanding. Notice if you are developing a deeper sense of surrender and trust in the divine will, relying more on the Lord’s guidance and grace in your life.
  8. Impact on Daily Life: Assess whether your Bhakti is positively influencing your daily life. Observe whether your spiritual values and principles are permeating your thoughts, words, and actions, leading to greater alignment with the teachings of Bhakti in various aspects of your life.

Remember that Bhakti is a personal and intimate journey, and its progress may vary for each individual. It is essential to approach this evaluation with self-awareness, humility, and a sincere desire for spiritual growth. Regular self-reflection, guidance from experienced devotees, and seeking the blessings of spiritual teachers can provide further insight into the progress of your Bhakti.