15 obstacles that can easily derail us from our path of bhakti

Here are 15 common obstacles that can arise on the path of bhakti, hindering one’s progress in the practice of devotional service:

  1. Lust (kama): The intense desire for sensual pleasure and attachment to material gratification can distract the mind and weaken one’s focus on the divine.
  2. Anger (krodha): Uncontrolled anger and hostility can disrupt one’s peace of mind, leading to conflicts and strained relationships, which obstruct the cultivation of love and devotion.
  3. Greed (lobha): Excessive attachment to material possessions, wealth, and power can divert one’s attention from the pursuit of spiritual growth and service to the divine.
  4. Illusion (moha): Falling prey to illusions, delusions, and false identifications can cloud one’s understanding of reality and obstruct the development of true spiritual insight.
  5. Envy (matsarya): Feeling jealousy and envy towards others’ spiritual progress or material success can create a negative mindset and hinder one’s own spiritual growth.
  6. Attachment (moha): Strong attachments to worldly relationships, possessions, and desires can create obstacles by causing a sense of dependency and distracting one from the devotion to the divine.
  7. Pride (ahankara): Excessive pride, arrogance, and a sense of superiority can hinder the cultivation of humility and obstruct one’s ability to surrender to the divine.
  8. Doubt (vicikitsa): Persistent doubt and skepticism can weaken one’s faith and trust in the process of bhakti, creating obstacles in wholeheartedly surrendering to the divine.
  9. Neglect of Scriptures (shastra-nigraham): Ignoring or disregarding the study and understanding of sacred scriptures and philosophical texts can hinder one’s spiritual progress and lead to confusion.
  10. Neglect of Spiritual Practice (sadhana-nigraham): Inconsistent or negligent engagement in spiritual practices, such as chanting, meditation, and prayer, can hinder the deepening of one’s devotion and connection with the divine.
  11. Procrastination (kausidya): Postponing or delaying the performance of devotional activities can create obstacles by reducing consistency and dedication on the path of bhakti.
  12. Association with Negative Influences (sanga-dosha): Spending time with individuals who discourage or undermine one’s spiritual aspirations can create obstacles by fostering negative influences and distractions.
  13. Impatience (atyahara): Expecting immediate results and becoming impatient with the progress of one’s spiritual journey can hinder the cultivation of patience and perseverance required in bhakti.
  14. Worldly Distractions (prajalpa): Engaging in excessive gossip, idle talk, and worldly distractions can divert one’s attention away from the devotional practices and the remembrance of the divine.
  15. Lack of Guidance (guru-duragraha): Not seeking or accepting the guidance of a qualified spiritual teacher (guru) can hinder one’s progress and create obstacles in understanding and practicing bhakti effectively.

Overcoming these obstacles requires self-awareness, sincere effort, and a deepening of one’s commitment to the path of bhakti. By cultivating positive qualities, seeking guidance from spiritual teachers, and practicing regular spiritual disciplines, one can gradually overcome these obstacles and progress on the path of devotion.