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⮪ BG 18.29 Bhagwad Gita Vaishnav Sampradaya Commentary BG 18.31⮫

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 30

भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 30

प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च कार्याकार्ये भयाभये।
बन्धं मोक्षं च या वेत्ति बुद्धिः सा पार्थ सात्त्विकी।।18.30।।

हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 18.30)

।।18.30।।हे पृथानन्दन जो बुद्धि प्रवृत्ति और निवृत्तिको? कर्तव्य और अकर्तव्यको? भय और अभयको तथा बन्धन और मोक्षको जानती है? वह बुद्धि सात्त्विकी है।

Rudra Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Lord Krishna explains that those whose buddhi or intellect is situated in sattva guna the mode of goodness possess the understanding due to refined intelligence that has a natural inclination towards righteousness and abstinence from unrighteousness. They are resolute and comprehend that righteous actions lead to moksa or liberation from material existence and unrighteous actions lead to the bondage of samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death. Innately their consciousness is aware of what is to be done and what is not to be done according to time, place and circumstance. Such consciousness should be understood as the agency and the doer is but the instrument. This can be understood by the question: Is there enough wood to cook the food? Although it is not the wood that does the cooking it is the fire. So the agent is like the wood utilised as the instrument and the fire is like the consciousness represented as the agency.

Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

There is no commentary for this verse.

Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

1) pravrttinca is actions performed under the auspices of dharma or righteousness 2) nivrittinca is refraining from actions opposed to dharma which gives liberation 3) karya-akarye is knowing what is appropriate according to time, place and circumstance whether adhering to pravrittinca or nivrittinca 4) bhaya-abhaye is fear stemming from not adhering to the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures and fearlessness is by observing the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures 5) bandha is samsara or enslavement in the perpetual cycle of birth and death 6) moksa is liberation from material existence and release from samsara Lord Krishna is affirming the essentials of those whose buddhi or intellect is situated in sattva guna the mode of goodness as only they have the ability to realise these points.

Kumara Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

1) pravrttinca is actions performed under the auspices of dharma or righteousness 2) nivrittinca is refraining from actions opposed to dharma which gives liberation 3) karya-akarye is knowing what is appropriate according to time, place and circumstance whether adhering to pravrittinca or nivrittinca 4) bhaya-abhaye is fear stemming from not adhering to the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures and fearlessness is by observing the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures 5) bandha is samsara or enslavement in the perpetual cycle of birth and death 6) moksa is liberation from material existence and release from samsara Lord Krishna is affirming the essentials of those whose buddhi or intellect is situated in sattva guna the mode of goodness as only they have the ability to realise these points.