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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 9

भगवद् गीता अध्याय 16 श्लोक 9

एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धयः।
प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माणः क्षयाय जगतोऽहिताः।।16.9।।

हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 16.9)

।।16.9।।उपर्युक्त (नास्तिक) दृष्टिका आश्रय लेनेवाले जो मनुष्य अपने नित्य स्वरूपको नहीं मानते? जिनकी बुद्धि तुच्छ है? जो उग्रकर्मा और संसारके शत्रु हैं? उन मनुष्योंकी सामर्थ्यका उपयोग जगत्का नाश करनेके लिये ही होता है।

English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's

16.9 Avastabhya, holding on to; etam, this; drstim, view; (these people) who are nasta-atmanah, of depraved character, who have deviated from the disciplines leading to the other world; alpa-budhayah, of poor intellect, whose intellect is indeed limited, engrossed with material things; ugra-kamanah, given to fearful actions-who are cruel by nature; and ahitah, harmful; i.e. inimical to the world; prabhavanti, wax strong; ksayaya, for the ruin; jagatah, of the world. This is the construction.

English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

16.9 See Coment under 16.12

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary

16.9 Holding this view, viz., supporting this view, these men of lost souls do not realise that the self is different from the body. They are of fele understanding, they lack the discernment that the self is to be known as different from the body, because of Its being the knower in the body which is an object of knowledge such as jars etc. These are of cruel deeds viz., they do much harm to everybody; they are born to bring ruin to the world.

Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 16.9

Etaam drishtimavashtabhya nashtaatmaano’lpabuddhayah; Prabhavantyugrakarmaanah kshayaaya jagato’hitaah.

Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 16.9

etām—such; dṛiṣhṭim—views; avaṣhṭabhya—holding; naṣhṭa—misdirected; ātmānaḥ—souls; alpa-buddhayaḥ—of small intellect; prabhavanti—arise; ugra—cruel; karmāṇaḥ—actions; kṣhayāya—destruction; jagataḥ—of the world; ahitāḥ—enemies