Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 12 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 12 इष्टान्भोगान्हि वो देवा दास्यन्ते यज्ञभाविताः। तैर्दत्तानप्रदायैभ्यो यो भुङ्क्ते स्तेन एव सः।।3.12।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 3.12) ।।3.12।।यज्ञसे भावित (पुष्ट) हुए देवता भी तुमलोगोंको (बिना माँगे ही) कर्तव्यपालनकी आवश्यक सामग्री देते रहेंगे। इस प्रकार उन देवताओंसे प्राप्त हुई सामग्रीको दूसरोंकी सेवामें लगाये बिना जो मनुष्य स्वयं ही उसका उपभोग करता है वह चोर ही है। Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary The words yagna-bhavitah means honoured by worship. The worship of pleasing the demi-gods in which Lord Krishna also resides as the atma or soul will confer on those whose perform it whatever prosperity and abundance they have prayed for. This means that by receiving these things as such one is able to worship the demi-gods and receive from them perpetually by offerings and worship to them with regularity. But if one should try to enjoy the gifts granted by them without first offering them back beforehand then such a person is a thief for misappropriating what was not sanctioned by the act of yagna or appeasement. Stena eva sah means one is certainly a thief. A thief is one who executes chaurya or larceny. The definition of larceny is the intention of or act of one to misappropriate property for oneself for the use of which they have no right which factually belongs to others. Thus to one of this nature and this description there is not only forfeiture and exemption from moksa or liberation from the cycle of birth and death but there will also be suffering for these sins in the infernal regions of the hellish planets described in Canto V of the Bhagavat Purana. This same subject is further explained in the next verse .