Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 71 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 2 श्लोक 71 विहाय कामान्यः सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति निःस्पृहः। निर्ममो निरहंकारः स शांतिमधिगच्छति।।2.71।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी तेजोमयानंद ।।2.71।। जो पुरुष सब कामनाओं को त्यागकर स्पृहारहित? ममभाव रहित और निरहंकार हुआ विचरण करता है? वह शान्ति प्राप्त करता है।। Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Lord Krishna clarifies this theme in this verse. One who experiences objects of the senses without one being attached to them or having the conceptions of this is mine or I am this body, such a one verily situated in a state of perfect peace and they alone attain liberation. This is the meaning. Now begins the summation. With the determination of renouncing all inappropriate objects, one abandons all sense objects. To assume that which is not under ones control is under ones control is deluded egotism. Rejecting egotism in all its forms is understood to be under the control of the Supreme Lord Krishna. This is the goal to fully strive for.