Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 7 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 7 नियतस्य तु संन्यासः कर्मणो नोपपद्यते। मोहात्तस्य परित्यागस्तामसः परिकीर्तितः।।18.7।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी तेजोमयानंद ।।18.7।। नियत कर्म का त्याग उचित नहीं है मोहवश उसका त्याग करना तामस त्याग कहा गया है।। Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Lord Krishna reiterates that abandoning desire for the rewards of actions is what is to be relinquished and the true expression of renunciation. Merely giving up the actions is an erroneous display of foolishness with no benefit. The Padma Purana states: Those who give up the performance of prescribed Vedic activities, receiving no benefits will undoubtedly be forced to enter the dark and hellish nether worlds.