Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 12 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 14 श्लोक 12 लोभः प्रवृत्तिरारम्भः कर्मणामशमः स्पृहा। रजस्येतानि जायन्ते विवृद्धे भरतर्षभ।।14.12।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 14.12) ।।14.12।।हे भरतवंशमें श्रेष्ठ अर्जुन रजोगुणके बढ़नेपर लोभ? प्रवृत्ति? कर्मोंका आरम्भ? अशान्ति और स्पृहा -- ये वृत्तियाँ पैदा होती हैं। Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Lord Krishna now describes what is indicative of passion with the following words. The word lobha means greed, avarice, parsimony regarding wealth. The word pravritih means restlessness with no specific purpose or reason. The word arambhah means engaging in fruitive activities. The word asamah means agitation of the senses. The word spriha means craving for sense gratification. All of these qualities manifest when raja guna or the mode of passion is predominant.