Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 30 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 11 श्लोक 30 लेलिह्यसे ग्रसमानः समन्ता ल्लोकान्समग्रान्वदनैर्ज्वलद्भिः। तेजोभिरापूर्य जगत्समग्रं भासस्तवोग्राः प्रतपन्ति विष्णो।।11.30।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी तेजोमयानंद ।।11.30।। हे विष्णो आप प्रज्वलित मुखों के द्वारा इन समस्त लोकों का ग्रसन करते हुए आस्वाद ले रहे हैं आपका उग्र प्रकाश सम्पूर्ण जगत् को तेज के द्वारा परिपूर्ण करके तपा रहा है।। Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary As other transcendental activities of the Supreme Lord Krishna such as the pralaya or the waters of dissolution during universal destruction, unlimited people were entering His mouth due to the process of the creative cycle. Established in the middle of the battlefield between the Kaurava and Pandava armies the visvarupa or divine universal form with innumerable faces and mouths turned towards both armies could be seen devouring multitudes of warriors continuously entering those mouths in an endless stream. Those who were to die at the commencement of the battle could already be seen pulverised by the fierce, gnashing teeth other perishing later could be seen just entering these mouths. The sight of this was supra- subtle and could only be seen by those who were atma-tatva or soul realised and could not be seen by others. Like a pot which is broken cannot be seen by ordinary people until it breaks into pieces; the sight of the visvarupa was not visible to those of normal eyes. It can also be compared to the case of King Puru who received the youth and form of his youngest son. Only the demigods of medicine being the twin Aswins were able to perceive his true old age and not others.