Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 34 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 9 श्लोक 34 मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु। मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायणः।।9.34।। English Translation - Swami Gambirananda 9.34 Having your mind fixed on Me, be devoted to Me, sacrifice to Me, and bow down to Me. By concentrating your mind and accepting Me as the supreme Goal, you shall surely attain Me who am thus the Self. English Translation - Swami Sivananda 9.34 Fix thy mind on Me; by devoted to Me; sacrifice unto Me; bow down to Me; having thus united thy whole self to Me, taking Me as the supreme goal, thou shalt come unto Me. English Translation - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 9.34. Have your mind fixed on Me; be My devotee; offer scrifice to Me; [and] pay homage to Me; thus fixing your self (internal organ) and having Me as your supreme goal, you shall certainly attain Me. English Commentary - Swami Sivananda 9.34 मन्मनाः with mind filled with Me? भव be thou? मद्भक्तः My devotee? मद्याजी sacrificing unto Me? माम्,unto Me? नमस्कुरु bow down? माम् to Me? एव alone? एष्यसि thou shalt come? युक्त्वा having united? एवम् thus? आत्मानम् the self? मत्परायणः taking Me as the Supreme Goal.Commentary Fill thy mind with Me. Fix your head? heart and hands on Me. Get your heart in tune with Me. Become a true worshipper. You will secure eternal bliss. Having known Me? you will cross beyond death.The whole being of man should be surrendered to the Lord without reservation. Then the whole life will undergo a wonderful transformation. You will have the vision of God everywhere. All sorrows and pains will vanish. Your mind will be one with the divine consciousness.Just as the potether becomes one with the universal ether when the limiting adjunct (pot) is broken? just as the Ganga and the Yamuna? leaving their names and forms become one with the ocean? so also the sage gets rid of Avidya and all sorts of limiting adjuncts through the direct realisation of the Self and becomes identical with Para Brahman.Yukta means steadied in thought? having thus fixed the mind on the Lord? knowing that I am the Self of all beings and the highest goal. (Cf.V.17VII.7?14XVIII.65)(This chapter is known by the name Adhyatma Yoga also.)Thus in the Upanishads of the glorious Bhagavad Gita? the science of the Eternal? the scripture of Yoga? the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna? ends the ninth discourse entitledThe Yoga of the Kingly Science and the Kingly Secret., English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 9.34 Manmana bhava, have your mind fixed on Me; [Here Ast. adds the word vasudeva.-Tr] and also be madbhakah, devoted to Me. Madyaji, sacrifice to Me, be engaged in sacrificing to Me. And namaskuru, bow down; only mam, to Me. Yuktva, by concentrating your mind; and mat-parayanah, by accepting Me as the supreme Goal; esyasi eva, you shall surely attain; mam, Me who am God. You shall attain Me evam atmanam, who am thus the Self: I indeed am the Self of all the beings, and am also the supreme Goal. You shall attain Me who am such. In this way, the word atmanam (Self) is to be connected with the preceding word mam (Me). This is the purport. English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 9.32-34 Man hi etc; upto Matparayanah. Those who are of sinful birth : I.e., the animals, birds, reptiles etc. Women denotes the ignorant. Men of working class denotes those who find pleasure in different vocations, like agriculture etc. Men of the fourth caste : those who do not have any claim whatsoever for [performing] the Vedic rituals and whose livelihood depend on others. By taking refuge [solely] in Me, even these all attain Me alone. The deeds of the exceedingly compassionate Bhagavat, like the one granting liberation to a chief of the elephants are heard in thousands [in the Puranas]. Certainly it must be so, for those whose behaviour is just the opposite to that of these persons. Some (commentators] declare : The present sentence [of the Lord] intends to glorify the twice-born and members of the ruling class, and it is not uttered with the intention of speaking of the attainment of liberation in the case of the women etc. Indeed these persons [aim to] break into pieces the Graceous-to-all Power of the Bhagavat by foistering upon It, a limited applicability; likwise they do not tolerate the profoundly compassionate nature of the Absolute Lord; they contradict the [Lords own] statements To Me none is hateful and none is dear (IX, 30), Even a highly evil-doer etc. (IX, 31), and other similar statements, very clearly of the same import; with all effort they [strive to] bring in something indicative of duality even in the Absolute-being, Whose non-dual nature has been well established firmly by the diversity of the best reasonings; they are not mindful of other contradictions [that lurk in their theory] with the revealed literature; when simply estioned How is this ? and How is that ?, these persons, having their internal organ totally possessed by the mighty devil of the caste [considerations], concealed within, and having their tongue, face and eyes all twisted by their sense of jealously, hypocrisy and shame-they prattle evil for the entire humanity; and thus they put upon themselves the status of being an object of ridicule. Therefore the above explanation [of ours] does good to all. English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary 9.34 Focus your mind on Me; fix your mind on Me uninterruptedly like a continous stream of oil - on Me the Ruler of rulers, antagonistic to all that is evil, the sole abode of auspiciousness, omniscient, whose resolve is always true, the sole cause of the entire universe, the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Person; on Me, of long large eyes like a lotus petal; who has the complexion of a clear blue cloud; whose shining lustre is like that of a thousand suns simultaneously risen; on Me, the great ocean of the nectar of beauty; of four arms, noble and strong, and of brilliant yellow raiment; on Me, adorned with a pure crown, fish-shaped ear-rings, garlands, bracelet on the arms and bangles at the wrist; on Me, the ocean of infinite mercy, affability, beauty, sweetness, majesty, magnanimity and parental affection; on Me, the refuge of all without exception and without regard to their differences; on Me the Lord of all. Sri Krsna again makes the same clear. Be My devotee. Be one whose mind is focussed on Me by contemplating on Me as exceedingly dear. Such is the meaning. He makes thie yet clearer. Be My worshipper, namely, become engaged in My worship, which you have begun to practise by your experience of Me as supremely dear and unlimited and unsurpassed. What is called worship is the conduct of one who realises that he is absolutely a subsidiary - (Sesa) of God. Worship consists also in offering all things of enjoyment such as waving of lights etc., all those things which come into bodily contact like garlands, sandal paste etc., and those meant for offering like food preparations and other edibles. The meaning is this: Let your mind be focussed on Me so as to be engaged in My worship, resulting from love which is unlimited and unsurpassed and which is born from the experience of Myself. Again Sri Krsna expounds the same: Bow down to Me. Do not be satisfied only with services of one who is absolutely subsidiary to me. Do services which are incomparably dear and animated by an experience of Myself who is dear and unlimited and unsurpassed. Also bow down to Me in utter humility, regarding Me as the supreme goal, i.e., He who is the supreme abode and the supreme goal. The meaning is that having resorted to Me, it is impossible for you to live without Me. Having disciplined the mind in this way and considering Me as the supreme goal, you will thus, through love which is unsurpassed and incomparable, obtain a mind which is fit for experiencing Me. You will then reach Me alone. Here the term Atman stands for the mind. The import is that, holding Me as the sole support, possesing a mind of this kind, meditating on Me, experiencing Me, worshipping Me and bowing down to Me - you will reach Me alone. Thus, with such a turn of mind you carry on, for pleasing Me alone, your secular works for bodily sustenance and Vedic activities like obligatory and occasional rites, regarding them as actuated by Me and finding sole joy in absolute subservience to Me. You shall ever engage yourself in praising My names with love and in endeavouring to serve Me and bowing down to Me etc. You shall contemplate on the entire universe as being under My rule and being subsidiary (Sesa) to Me. Contemplating on the multitudes of My attributes, which are exceedingly dear to you, and practising every day this worship as described, you will reach Me alone. Commentary - Chakravarthi Ji In this verse the Lord concludes by describing the method of worship. Therefore, having absorbed your body and mind in me (atmanam yukta), you will certainly come to me. That supreme position of pure bhakti, the topmost secret, which has the ability to judge who is qualified and unqualified, and by its contact purifies all persons, has been described in this chapter. Rudra Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary This chapter concludes by revealing the pure, simplistic way of worshipping the Supreme Lord Krishna by the words man-manah focus ones consciousness on Lord Krishna, mad bhakto be Lord Krishnas devotee, mad yaji give propitiation and worship to Lord Krishna, mam namaskuru offer humble obeisances to Lord Krishna exclusively. By these direct and easy to perform activities, having Lord Krishna as the Supreme goal one will attain eternal life in the spiritual worlds in association with Him. Thus in this chapter entitled Confidential Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth, Lord Krishna has compassionately revealed some of His transcendental glories and the phenomenal greatness of bhakti or exclusive loving devotion. Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary How it is possible for the righteous to directly worship the Supreme Lord Krishna is given here. But this applies only to those who are imbued with the divine presence of the atma or eternal soul. It has been said in the Sandilya text that: One who does not abandon evil ways, one who has no devotion to the Supreme Lord and one who has not equipoise cannot become a devotee of Lord Krishna. But the demigods and sages although sometimes overpowered by their own intentions become in due course of time the pure devotees never forgetting Him and always remembering Him because they are aware of His all encompassing supremacy. Therefore others unaware of this who fraudulently strive to prove their devotion should be known as charlatans. Those with slight demerits may attain devotion due to association with those devoted to Lord Krishna. Still others may offer simple devotion increasing gradually. But those addicted to sense gratification who pretend to be great devotees externally but internally are always thinking of pleasure and recognition are truly the worst deceivers. The Vishnu Purana has mentioned that for those engaged in abominable behaviour and act contrary to the ordinances and injunctions of the Vedic scriptures, bhakti or loving devotion will never manifest within their hearts. Those who are receptive to bhakti have great faith in the Vedic scriptures and there devotion to Lord Krishna keeps on increasing and their desires for other things keeps on decreasing. The Moksa Dharma states: O Lord! Having studied the Vedas I am always engaged in austerities. I have dedicatedly served my spiritual master and have never spoken an untruth in the past and I chant my sacred mantras secretly. The four truths revealed in the Vedic scriptures are enshrined within my heart. I am always equal to both friend and enemy alike. Fully surrendering to the Supreme Lord I have been propitiating Him with unabated and unadulterated devotion. How is it that I am unable to perceive His eternal form which is pure and blissful within my heart? Thus righteous behaviour is considered as one of the means of acquiring spiritual intelligence. Without spiritual wisdom true devotion is not possible to understand. The Gautama text states that: Without spiritual wisdom how can there ever be devotion and without devotion how can there ever be atma tattva or realisation of the soul. The Bhagavat Purana has declared: That devotion to the Supreme Lord, spiritual wisdom and aversion to all other things, all these three go together. Now begins the summation. The Padma Purana states: Who is devoted to the Supreme Lord can never by inimical to the Supreme Lord and who is inimical to the Supreme Lord can never be a devotee of the Supreme Lord. Yet the Supreme Lord is always equitable in bestowing the rewards according to ones devotion. The devotees are dear to the Supreme Lord. The karma or reactions to actions leading to merits and demerits are according to each ones attributes. The stage of Brahmin and others are also normal for them according to their attributes and so is their moksa or liberation. A male human being is next born as a female because of desires or some demerit. A female human being is never born as a male because of attributes but they reside within the male body alongside the male form in a spiritual female form. These spiritual female forms are unlimitedly superior to those who have taken female forms due to the demerit of desires. All jivas or embodied beings accept the body of skin, flesh and species according to their attributes. Even after dissolving the residue of prior karmas and attaining moksa each jiva experiences even their spiritual existence according to their inherent attributes that manifested in their atma or eternal soul when they first entered material existence from the spiritual worlds. So from this declaration revealed in the Bhavishya Purana the concept of merits and demerits for even those born under evil circumstances can be accepted. Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary The words man mana means be always conscious of Lord Krishna. This means ones consciousness should always be focused on Him as a continuous stream of thought. The Supreme Lord of all, the sole abode of all excellence, devoid of any fault, the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent One of indomitable will. The Supreme Lord Krishna, the sole source, the sole cause and the sole origin of all creation, who is Parabrahman the supreme manifestation of the spiritual substratum pervading all existence and Purusottama the supreme personality, who possesses large, beautiful, lotus shaped eyes and whose transcendental body is of dark blue complexion. Lord Krishna resplendent as 1000 suns simultaneously shining, Lord Krishna the epitome of all beauty and loveliness with effulgent yellow hued raiment, ornate and immaculate diadem, dolphin shaped earrings, celestial garlands and ungents, bracelets, rings and armlets. Lord Krishna isvara parama the ultimate controller of all, who is an ocean of infinite mercy, compassion, beauty, sweetness, perfection, bounty and affection. The refuge of all planes of existence in all the trillions of universes without any contradiction in any of them regardless of uniqueness and differences. Lord Krishna the Supreme Sovereign Lord of all. Furthemore one should be mad bhakto or have their consciousness permeated with unadulterated love for Lord Krishna as their beloved friend. Then one should become maj yaji or Lord Krishnas devoted worshipper taking great delight in their intimate and individual relationship with the Supreme Lord internally. Yaja denoting yagna indicates all the myriad of wonderful and sublime ways of offering bhakti or loving devotion unto Lord Krishna, the way a dear friend offers everything they possess to please another dear friend. Offering as yaji is of three kinds. 1) aupacharika is external worship such as offering incense and waving ghee lamps, fanning etc. 2) samsparsika is tactual service such as garlanding, applying ungents, smearing sandalwood paste, etc. 3) abhyaaharika is offering of vegetarian food such as milk products, fruits and vegetables. Yaji is thus rendering all kinds of pleasing and delectable services for Lord Krishnas supreme satisfaction and this whether great or small is accomplished perfectly by bhakti or loving devotion and by no other means. The purport is: Let my mind be so aligned that it takes great delight in always rendering such pleasing services to the Supreme Lord Krishna. Next is advised namaskuru which is the humble prostration of obeisance unto the Supreme Lord. This infers to not let ones mind merely bask in the satisfaction of rendering service out of infinite love created by communal bliss with the Supreme Lord but to also be prostrated in homage with humility to the Supreme Lord as the internal monitor within as Paramatma the supreme soul who witnesses all thought and activities of every living entity. Mat-parayanah means one who has totally surrendered to the Supreme Lord. Who accepts the Supreme Lord as their only shelter and refuge and who independent of Him could not tolerate existence therefore such a person depends completely on Him. Thus disciplining the consciousness in one pointed focus so that everything one does is directly related to the Supreme Lord one should guide their consciousness in such a way that it can revel and delight in personal communion with the Supreme Lord at every moment. Possessed of such a wonderfully evolved spiritualised consciousness thou shalt most assuredly attain the Supreme Lord without fail. The word atma used here denotes the consciousness beyond the mind. The import of this verse is that if a person prepares and develops their consciousness to meditate on the Supreme Lord, to render loving service to the Supreme Lord, to delight in communion with the Supreme Lord, to prostrate in humble homage to the Supreme Lord, then putting their full trust to Him alone they will undoubtedly attain Him. So practically one should perform all worldly duties required to maintain bodily subsistence and then to please the Supreme Lord one should adhere the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures fulfilling both daily and occasional duties as to varnasrama or ones status and position in society according to time and circumstances. Performing all these activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord one becomes essentially His dependent although inspired and activated to perform these services by the Supreme Lord within by His feature as Paramatma the supreme soul. Thus one will be ever loving engaged in chanting the names of Lord Krishna, singing His praises, reciting His glories, rendering services, prostrating before Him. Thou shalt realise that every aspect of creation, preservation and dissolution is under His Supreme authority, rule and guidance and is in fact His appendage. Meditating daily in full devotion, reflecting and marvelling over the unlimited multitude of phenomenal qualities and marvellous attributes such a blessed soul attains the ultimate goal of all existence, eternal communion with the Supreme Lord in their eternal spiritual form. Kumara Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary The words man mana means be always conscious of Lord Krishna. This means ones consciousness should always be focused on Him as a continuous stream of thought. The Supreme Lord of all, the sole abode of all excellence, devoid of any fault, the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent One of indomitable will. The Supreme Lord Krishna, the sole source, the sole cause and the sole origin of all creation, who is Parabrahman the supreme manifestation of the spiritual substratum pervading all existence and Purusottama the supreme personality, who possesses large, beautiful, lotus shaped eyes and whose transcendental body is of dark blue complexion. Lord Krishna resplendent as 1000 suns simultaneously shining, Lord Krishna the epitome of all beauty and loveliness with effulgent yellow hued raiment, ornate and immaculate diadem, dolphin shaped earrings, celestial garlands and ungents, bracelets, rings and armlets. Lord Krishna isvara parama the ultimate controller of all, who is an ocean of infinite mercy, compassion, beauty, sweetness, perfection, bounty and affection. The refuge of all planes of existence in all the trillions of universes without any contradiction in any of them regardless of uniqueness and differences. Lord Krishna the Supreme Sovereign Lord of all. Furthemore one should be mad bhakto or have their consciousness permeated with unadulterated love for Lord Krishna as their beloved friend. Then one should become maj yaji or Lord Krishnas devoted worshipper taking great delight in their intimate and individual relationship with the Supreme Lord internally. Yaja denoting yagna indicates all the myriad of wonderful and sublime ways of offering bhakti or loving devotion unto Lord Krishna, the way a dear friend offers everything they possess to please another dear friend. Offering as yaji is of three kinds. 1) aupacharika is external worship such as offering incense and waving ghee lamps, fanning etc. 2) samsparsika is tactual service such as garlanding, applying ungents, smearing sandalwood paste, etc. 3) abhyaaharika is offering of vegetarian food such as milk products, fruits and vegetables. Yaji is thus rendering all kinds of pleasing and delectable services for Lord Krishnas supreme satisfaction and this whether great or small is accomplished perfectly by bhakti or loving devotion and by no other means. The purport is: Let my mind be so aligned that it takes great delight in always rendering such pleasing services to the Supreme Lord Krishna. Next is advised namaskuru which is the humble prostration of obeisance unto the Supreme Lord. This infers to not let ones mind merely bask in the satisfaction of rendering service out of infinite love created by communal bliss with the Supreme Lord but to also be prostrated in homage with humility to the Supreme Lord as the internal monitor within as Paramatma the supreme soul who witnesses all thought and activities of every living entity. Mat-parayanah means one who has totally surrendered to the Supreme Lord. Who accepts the Supreme Lord as their only shelter and refuge and who independent of Him could not tolerate existence therefore such a person depends completely on Him. Thus disciplining the consciousness in one pointed focus so that everything one does is directly related to the Supreme Lord one should guide their consciousness in such a way that it can revel and delight in personal communion with the Supreme Lord at every moment. Possessed of such a wonderfully evolved spiritualised consciousness thou shalt most assuredly attain the Supreme Lord without fail. The word atma used here denotes the consciousness beyond the mind. The import of this verse is that if a person prepares and develops their consciousness to meditate on the Supreme Lord, to render loving service to the Supreme Lord, to delight in communion with the Supreme Lord, to prostrate in humble homage to the Supreme Lord, then putting their full trust to Him alone they will undoubtedly attain Him. So practically one should perform all worldly duties required to maintain bodily subsistence and then to please the Supreme Lord one should adhere the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures fulfilling both daily and occasional duties as to varnasrama or ones status and position in society according to time and circumstances. Performing all these activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord one becomes essentially His dependent although inspired and activated to perform these services by the Supreme Lord within by His feature as Paramatma the supreme soul. Thus one will be ever loving engaged in chanting the names of Lord Krishna, singing His praises, reciting His glories, rendering services, prostrating before Him. Thou shalt realise that every aspect of creation, preservation and dissolution is under His Supreme authority, rule and guidance and is in fact His appendage. Meditating daily in full devotion, reflecting and marvelling over the unlimited multitude of phenomenal qualities and marvellous attributes such a blessed soul attains the ultimate goal of all existence, eternal communion with the Supreme Lord in their eternal spiritual form. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 9.34Manmanaa bhava madbhakto madyaajee maam namaskuru; Maamevaishyasi yuktwaivamaatmaanam matparaayanah. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 9.34mat-manāḥ—always think of Me; bhava—be; mat—My; bhaktaḥ—devotee; mat—My; yājī—worshipper; mām—to Me; namaskuru—offer obeisances; mām—to Me; eva—certainly; eṣhyasi—you will come; yuktvā—united with Me; evam—thus; ātmānam—your mind and body; mat-parāyaṇaḥ—having dedicated to Me