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⮪ BG 9.28 Bhagwad Gita Vaishnav Sampradaya Commentary BG 9.30⮫

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 29

भगवद् गीता अध्याय 9 श्लोक 29

समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः।
ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम्।।9.29।।

हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 9.29)

।।9.29।।मैं सम्पूर्ण प्राणियोंमें समान हूँ। उन प्राणियोंमें न तो कोई मेरा द्वेषी है और न कोई प्रिय है। परन्तु जो भक्तिपूर्वक मेरा भजन करते हैं? वे मेरेमें हैं और मैं उनमें हूँ (टिप्पणी प0 518.1)।

Rudra Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

One may speculate that since Lord Krishna grants moksa or liberation from the material existence to His devotees then the Supreme Lord as well is partial through attachment and aversion. This is being addressed now to negate any such speculation Lord Krishna states: samaham sarva-bhutesu which means He is equal to all beings. Yet even though He considers no one as His enemy and no one as His comrade; yet still to those who bhajanti tu mam bhaktya or render loving devotion to Him with love, He reciprocates with equal affection. It is seen that fire which destroys the misery of cold and darkness does this for anyone who tends it and wish fulfilling trees bestow desired objects to whomever sits under them they are not partial and in the same way anyone can first be initiated by a Vaisnava spiritual preceptor and become a devotee of Lord Krishna. Although the Supreme Lord favours His devotees it is certainly not because of partiality but rather due to the super excellent glory of bhakti or loving devotion to Him.

Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

As Lord Krishna is equally disposed to all beings then one could mistakenly believe that bhakti or loving devotion was not needed. He clarifies this with the words mayi te tesu capy aham meaning as His devotees are to Him that is how He is to them. Because He is favourably disposed to His devotees He awards benedictions even if the service is not perfect and to those who bear malice against Him there is not the least dislike towards them from Him whatsoever. It is a fact that everyone is subservient to and under the shelter of the Supreme Lord even if they are unable to realise this fact. As one matures in spiritual wisdom under the guidance of a Vaisinava spiritual preceptor then will be able to perceive the reality of all beings dependence. Otherwise one will become arrogant and belligerent puffed up by the pride of power, wealth or fame. The Paingi texts state that: Because of ignorance such beings do not realise their dependence in the beginning but after learning how to meditate upon the Supreme Lord they too can come find refuge in Him.

Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Whether it is the divine, heavenly kingdoms, or the human worlds, whether the jiva or embodied being is advanced or primitive, whether the jiva is of a dark color or a light color, whether the jiva is of good character or bad character, whether the jiva occupies a form as an animal, bird or fish or even resides in a form in the stationary kingdoms of trees and plants, Lord Krishna declares that He is the refuge to all and independent to any external considerations being equal to all without distinction. The conception of inferiority due to lack of beauty, absence of wealth, no education, menial position, low class family etc. is not an obstacle for any one desiring to surrender to the Supreme Lord, accepting Him as their refuge. Neither is it applicable for one possessing beauty, abundant wealth, good education, a high position in society coming from a first class family to think that they are entitled to any special privileges or have the right to have access to the Supreme Lord because of it. Whoever selects the Supreme Lord as their all in all, their life and their refuge exclusively, to them alone does the Supreme Lord accept and reciprocate and they due to their unflinching devotion are especially dear to Him. Whoever whether they be of any description, who worship the Supreme Lord with bhakti or loving devotion which is most endearing. Who worships the Supreme Lord with a fervor that if interrupted would feel as if their very life was in peril. Who worships the Supreme Lord as the sole aim and goal to be attained. Such beings regardless of any external position of inferiority or superiority would be filled with such blissful blessedness that could compare only with His own blissfulness.

Kumara Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Whether it is the divine, heavenly kingdoms, or the human worlds, whether the jiva or embodied being is advanced or primitive, whether the jiva is of a dark color or a light color, whether the jiva is of good character or bad character, whether the jiva occupies a form as an animal, bird or fish or even resides in a form in the stationary kingdoms of trees and plants, Lord Krishna declares that He is the refuge to all and independent to any external considerations being equal to all without distinction. The conception of inferiority due to lack of beauty, absence of wealth, no education, menial position, low class family etc. is not an obstacle for any one desiring to surrender to the Supreme Lord, accepting Him as their refuge. Neither is it applicable for one possessing beauty, abundant wealth, good education, a high position in society coming from a first class family to think that they are entitled to any special privileges or have the right to have access to the Supreme Lord because of it. Whoever selects the Supreme Lord as their all in all, their life and their refuge exclusively, to them alone does the Supreme Lord accept and reciprocate and they due to their unflinching devotion are especially dear to Him. Whoever whether they be of any description, who worship the Supreme Lord with bhakti or loving devotion which is most endearing. Who worships the Supreme Lord with a fervor that if interrupted would feel as if their very life was in peril. Who worships the Supreme Lord as the sole aim and goal to be attained. Such beings regardless of any external position of inferiority or superiority would be filled with such blissful blessedness that could compare only with His own blissfulness.