Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 21 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 9 श्लोक 21 ते तं भुक्त्वा स्वर्गलोकं विशालं क्षीणे पुण्ये मर्त्यलोकं विशन्ति। एव त्रयीधर्ममनुप्रपन्ना गतागतं कामकामा लभन्ते।।9.21।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 9.21) ।।9.21।।वे उस विशाल स्वर्गलोकके भोगोंको भोगकर पुण्य क्षीण होनेपर मृत्युलोकमें आ जाते हैं। इस प्रकार तीनों वेदोंमें कहे हुए सकाम धर्मका आश्रय लिये हुए भोगोंकी कामना करनेवाले मनुष्य आवागमनको प्राप्त होते हैं। English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 9.21 Bhuktva, after having enjoyed; tam, that: visalam, vast; svargalokam, heavenly world; te, they; visanti, enter into; this martyalokam, human world; ksine, on the exhaustion; of their punye, merit. Evam, thus, indeed; anuprapannah, those who follow in the manner described; trai-dharmyam, [A variant reading is trayi-dharmam.-Tr.] the rites and duties prescribed in the three Vedas-merely the Vedic rites and duties; and are kama-kamah, desirous of pleasures; labhante, attain; only gata-agatam, the state of going and returning, but never that of independence. This is the meaning. English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 9.20-21 Traividyah etc. Te tam etc. Of course, they worship Me (Vasudeva) alone. However, the action [like sacrifice] is limited (or is known [to them]) by their aspiration for heaven only. Hence, on account of the weakness is their own being (sattva), they condition the action solely by the result of the heaven. That is why their religious act leads to rirth and thus they attain the state of going and coming. But [on that account] it is not the inherent nature of the sacrifice to beget rirth. For instance : English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary 9.21 After enjoying the spacious world of heaven, they return to the world of mortals when the meritorious Karma forming the cause of that experience is exhausted. Thus, lacking in the knowledge established in the Vedanta and desiring only the attainment of heaven etc., they who follow the teaching of the three Vedas on sacrificial rites, come and go. After enjoying the trifling and transient pleasures of heaven, they return to Samsara again and again. But the great souls meditating on Me, who am incomparably dear to them, attain boundless and unsurpassed bliss and do not return to Samsara. Sri Krsna desribes their distinguishing features: Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 9.21Te tam bhuktwaa swargalokam vishaalamKsheene punye martyalokam vishanti; Evam trayeedharmamanuprapannaaGataagatam kaamakaamaa labhante. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 9.21te—they; tam—that; bhuktvā—having enjoyed; swarga-lokam—heaven; viśhālam—vast; kṣhīṇe—at the exhaustion of; puṇye—stock of merits; martya-lokam—to the earthly plane; viśhanti—return; evam—thus; trayī dharmam—the karm-kāṇḍ portion of the three Vedas; anuprapannāḥ—follow; gata-āgatam—repeated coming and going; kāma-kāmāḥ—desiring objects of enjoyments; labhante—attain