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⮪ BG 8.12 Bhagwad Gita Vaishnav Sampradaya Commentary BG 8.14⮫

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 13

भगवद् गीता अध्याय 8 श्लोक 13

ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन्।
यः प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम्।।8.13।।

हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 8.13)

।।8.12 -- 8.13।।(इन्द्रियोंके) सम्पूर्ण द्वारोंको रोककर मनका हृदयमें निरोध करके और अपने प्राणोंको मस्तकमें स्थापित करके योगधारणामें सम्यक् प्रकारसे स्थित हुआ जो ँ़ इस एक अक्षर ब्रह्मका उच्चारण और मेरा स्मरण करता हुआ शरीरको छोड़कर जाता है वह परमगतिको प्राप्त होता है।

Rudra Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

This verse reveals that one should repeatedly vibrate the sacred syllable OM the personalised sound vibration of the Supreme Lord which is non- different from the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence; both being different aspects of the Supreme, and think of Lord Krishna who is manifest by expressing the vibration of OM. One who departs their life in this way at the moment death attains the eternal, ultimate destination and attains the Supreme Lord who is one without a second.

Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Except through the Brahmanadi which is one of the 100 nerve centers in the crown of the head; if the life force of a jiva or living entity exits the body by any of the other 99 nerve centers it gets diverted and recycled back into samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death without attaining moksa or liberation. Both the Vedic scriptures Vyasa Yoga and Moksa Dharma are specify that when jivas exits through the eyes they go to the sun, when they exit through the ears or any of the 99 centers they go to the place that corresponds with it but they all remain in the physical manifestation and do not lead to the spiritual plane as does the Brahmanadi.The word hrdi- nirudhya means confined to the heart and denotes meditating on the atma or soul and the Supreme Lord Krishna. The Padma Purana states: Because He attracts He is in the hearts of all jivas and attracts them towards Himself, He is known as Hrdi the heart. When the life force is stationed in the head it is not possible to abide in the heart. The Vyas Yoga states: Wherever the life force abides that is where the jiva and the mind also abide. Thus only the one who has prepared themselves throughout their lives in proper mediation is able to concentrate in equanimity and is fully able to be in equanimity. This is the purport. Now begins the summation. As the Supreme Lord Krishna is symbolised by the one word OM His personalised transcendental sound vibration, the brahman or spiritual substratum pervading all existence is also known by the one word OM.

Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Systematically vibrating the singular syllable OM vibrated as A-U-M. It is the personal sign, symbol and sound of the aksaram or imperishable. OM is the indicator and Lord Krishna is the indicated Who is to be to be profoundly and humbly meditated upon. Whomsoever departs from this life at the moment of death fixing the prana or life force in the crown of their head in the manner so indicated goes to the exalted, eternal spiritual worlds. The words paramam gatim mean the supreme destination from where there is no return granting moksa or liberation and includes atma tattva or realisation of the soul which is in essence comparable to the Supreme Lord and contra distinguished from matter and everything material. More evidence of this will be given later in this chapter in verses 20 and 21. So the method of meditation for those who are atharthi or seekers of fortune and for those who are jijnansur or those aspiring realisation of the soul has been duly given being similar. Next the method of divine meditation suited for the jnani or the aspirant for the Supreme Lord and the nature of their goal will be revealed.

Kumara Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Systematically vibrating the singular syllable OM vibrated as A-U-M. It is the personal sign, symbol and sound of the aksaram or imperishable. OM is the indicator and Lord Krishna is the indicated Who is to be to be profoundly and humbly meditated upon. Whomsoever departs from this life at the moment of death fixing the prana or life force in the crown of their head in the manner so indicated goes to the exalted, eternal spiritual worlds. The words paramam gatim mean the supreme destination from where there is no return granting moksa or liberation and includes atma tattva or realisation of the soul which is in essence comparable to the Supreme Lord and contra distinguished from matter and everything material. More evidence of this will be given later in this chapter in verses 20 and 21. So the method of meditation for those who are atharthi or seekers of fortune and for those who are jijnansur or those aspiring realisation of the soul has been duly given being similar. Next the method of divine meditation suited for the jnani or the aspirant for the Supreme Lord and the nature of their goal will be revealed.