Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 23 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 6 श्लोक 23 तं विद्याद् दुःखसंयोगवियोगं योगसंज्ञितम्। स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगोऽनिर्विण्णचेतसा।।6.23।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 6.23) ।।6.23।।जिसमें दुःखोंके संयोगका ही वियोग है उसीको योग नामसे जानना चाहिये। (वह योग जिस ध्यानयोगका लक्ष्य है) उस ध्यानयोगका अभ्यास न उकताये हुए चित्तसे निश्चयपूर्वक करना चाहिये। English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 6.23 Vidyat, one should know; tat, that; duhkha-samyoga-viyogam, severance (viyoga) of contact (samyoga) with sorrow (duhkha); to be verily yoga-sanjnitam, what is called Yoga-i.e. oen should know it through a negative definition. After concluding the topic of the result of Yoga, the need for pursuing Yoga is again being spoken of in another way in order to enjoin preservance and freedom from depression as the disciplines for Yoga: Sah, that; yogah, Yoga, which has the results as stated above; yoktavyah, has to be practised; niscayena, with perservance; and anirvinnacetasa, with an undepressed heart. That which is not (a) depressed (nirvinnam) is anirvinnam. What is that? The heart. (One has to practise Yoga) with that heart which is free from depression. This is the meaning. Again, English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 6.20-23 Yatra etc. upto anirvinna-cetasa. Where the mind well restrained remains iet : i.e., on its own accord. Where he realises the limitless Bliss : Becuase the dirts created by the sense-objects are absent. Any other gain : the gain obtained through the close contacts with wealth. wives, childeren etc. The idea is : With regard to other objects, the notion of their being sources of pleasure disappears; and it is the nature of the thing in estion. Not shaken much : not shaken to a great extent; [hence] there is yet [a little] shaking in him, purely due to [former] mental impression; and it lasts only for a moment due to his compassion [towards all creatures], and not due to the wrong notions like Alas ! I am undone ! What is to done by me. and so on. That, due to which the cessation of contact with misery results-that must be yoked i.e., practised (concentrated upon) by all means, with determination i.e., with faith, born of the belief [in the Self]. Of undepressed mind. i.e., because the goal has been reached. Or of depressed mind : i.e., depressed that the birth-and-death-cycle is very firm and is full of misery. The means for abandoning desire is to abandon intention. This (the Lord) says : English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary 6.20 - 6.23 Where, through the practice of Yoga, the mind, which is subdued everywhere by such practice, rejoices, i.e., rejoices in surpassing felicity; and where, perceiving through Yoga the self (Atman) by the mind (Atman) one is delighted by the self and indifferent to all other objects; and where, through Yoga, one knows, i.e., experiences that infinite happiness which can be grasped only by the intellect contemplating on the self, but is beyond the grasp of the senses; where, remaining in that Yoga, one does not swerve from that state, because of the overwhelming happiness that state confers; having gained which, he desires for it alone, even when he is awakened from Yoga, and does not hold anything else as a gain; where one is not moved even by the heaviest sorrow caused by any berevaement like that of a virtuous son - let him know that disunion from all union with pain, i.e., which forms the opposite of union with pain, is called by the term Yoga. This Yoga must be practised with the determination of its nature as such from the beginning with a mind free from despondency, i.e., with zestful exaltation. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 6.23Tam vidyaad duhkhasamyogaviyogam yogasamjnitam; Sa nishchayena yoktavyo yogo’nirvinna chetasaa. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 6.23tam—that; vidyāt—you should know; duḥkha-sanyoga-viyogam—state of severance from union with misery; yoga-saṁjñitam—is known as yog; saḥ—that; niśhchayena—resolutely; yoktavyaḥ—should be practiced; yogaḥ—yog; anirviṇṇa-chetasā—with an undeviating mind