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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 34

भगवद् गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 34

इन्द्रियस्येन्द्रियस्यार्थे रागद्वेषौ व्यवस्थितौ।
तयोर्न वशमागच्छेत्तौ ह्यस्य परिपन्थिनौ।।3.34।।

English Translation - Swami Sivananda

3.34 Attachment and aversion for the objects of the senses abide in the senses; let none come under their sway; for, they are his foes.

English Commentary - Swami Sivananda

3.34 इन्द्रियस्य इन्द्रियस्य of each sense? अर्थे in the object? रागद्वेषौ attachment and aversion? व्यवस्थितौ seated? तयोः of these two? न not? वशम् sway? आगच्छेत् should come under? तौ these two? हि verily? अस्य his? परिपन्थिनौ foes.Commentary Each sense has got attraction for a pleasant object and aversion for a disagreeable object. If one can control these two currents? viz.? attachment and aversion? he will not come under the sway of these two currents. Here lies the scope for personal exertion or Purushartha. Nature which contains the sum total of ones Samskaras or the latent selfproductive impressions of the past actions of merit and demerit draws a man to its course through the two currents? attachment and aversion. If one can control these two currents? if he can rise above the sway of love and hate through discrimination and Vichara or right eniry? he can coner Nature and attain immortality and eternal bliss. He willl no longer be subject to his own nature now. One should always exert to free himself from attachment and aversion to the objects of the senses.

Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 3.34

Indriyasyendriyasyaarthe raagadweshau vyavasthitau; Tayor na vasham aagacchet tau hyasya paripanthinau.

Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 3.34

indriyasya—of the senses; indriyasya arthe—in the sense objects; rāga—attachment; dveṣhau—aversion; vyavasthitau—situated; tayoḥ—of them; na—never; vaśham—be controlled; āgachchhet—should become; tau—those; hi—certainly; asya—for him; paripanthinau—foes