Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 15 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 2 श्लोक 15 यं हि न व्यथयन्त्येते पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभ। समदुःखसुखं धीरं सोऽमृतत्वाय कल्पते।।2.15।। English Translation - Swami Sivananda 2.15 That firm man whom, surely, these afflict not, O chief among men, to whom pleasure and pain are the same, is fit for attaining immortality. English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 2.15 What will happen to one who bears cold and heat? Listen: Verily, the person৷৷.,etc. (O Arjuna) hi, verily; yam purusam, the person whom; ete, these, cold and heat mentioned above; na, do not; vyathayanti, torment, do not perturb; dhiram, the wise man; sama-duhkha-sukham, to whom sorrow and happiness are the same, who is free from happiness and sorrow when subjected to pleasure and pain, because of his realization of the enternal Self; sah, he, who is established in the realization of the enternal Self, who forbears the opposites; kalpate, becomes fit; amrtattvaya, for Immortality, for the state of Immortality, i.e. for Liberation. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 2.15Yam hi na vyathayantyete purusham purusharshabha; Samaduhkha sukham dheeram so’mritatwaaya kalpate. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 2.15yam—whom; hi—verily; na—not; vyathayanti—distressed; ete—these; puruṣham—person; puruṣha-ṛiṣhabha—the noblest amongst men, Arjun; sama—equipoised; duḥkha—distress; sukham—happiness; dhīram—steady; saḥ—that person; amṛitatvāya—for liberation; kalpate—becomes eligible