Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 65 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 65 मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु। मामेवैष्यसि सत्यं ते प्रतिजाने प्रियोऽसि मे।।18.65।। English Translation - Swami Gambirananda 18.65 Have your mind fixed on Me, be My devotee, be a sacrificer to Me and bow down to Me. (Thus) you will come to Me alone. (This) truth do I pormise to you. (For) you are dear to Me. English Translation - Swami Sivananda 18.65 Fix thy mind on Me, by devoted to Me, sacrifice to Me, bow down to Me. Thou shalt come even to Me; truly do I promise unto thee, (for) thou art dear to Me. English Translation - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 18.65. Be with your mind fixed in Me; be My devotee; offer oblation to Me and render salutation to Me; you shall come to Me alone. Really I promise you, (because) you are dear to Me. English Commentary - Swami Sivananda 18.65 मन्मनाः with mind fixed on Me? भव be? मद्भक्तः devoted to Me? मद्याजी sacrifice to Me? माम् to Me? नमस्कुरु bow down? माम् to Me? एव even? एष्यसि (thou) shalt come? सत्यम् truth? ते to thee? प्रतिजाने (I) promise? प्रियः dear? असि (thou) art? मे of Me.Commentary Develop onepointedness of mind. Fix thy thought on Me. If the mind wanders bring it again and again to the centre or point or object of meditation? through constant practice. Offer all thy actions to Me. Let thy tongue utter My name. Let thy hands work for Me. Let thy feet move for Me. Let all thy actions be for Me. Give up hatred towards any living creature. Bow down to Me. Then thou wilt attain Me.The Lord gives Arjuna His definite word of promise or solemn declaration. Having received My grace thou wilt gain complete knowledge of Me and that in itself will indeed lead to thy absorption into My Being.O Arjuna? looking up to Me alone as thy aim and the sole refuge? thou shalt assuredly come to,Me.Have faith in the words of the Lord and make a solemn promise. Take the Lord as your sole refuge. You will attain final emancipation.The secret of devotion is to take the Lord as your sole refuge. In the next verse the Lord proceeds to speak of the gist of selfsurrender. (Cf.IX.34XII.8) English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 18.65 Bhava manmana, have your mind fixed on Me; be mad-bhaktah, My devotee; be a madyaji,sacrificer to Me, be engaged in sacrifices to Me; namaskuru, bow down; mam, to Me. Offer ever your salutations to Me alone. Continuing thus in them, by surrendering all ends, means and needs to Vasudeva only, esyasi, you will come; mam, to Me; eva, alone. (This) satyam, truth: do I pratijane, promise; te, to you, i.e. in this matter I make this true promise. For, asi, you are; priyah, dear; me, to Me. The idea conveyed by the passage is: Having thus understood that the Lord is true in His pormise, and knowing for certain that liberation is the unfailing result of devotion to the Lord, one should have dedication to God as his only supreme goal. Having summed up surrender to God as the highest secret of steadiness in Karma-yoga, there-after, with the idea that complete realization, which is the fruit of adherence to Karma-yoga and which has been enjoined in all the Upanisads, has to be spoken about, the Lord says: English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 18.64-65 Sarva - etc. Manmanah etc, By the portion Be with your mind fixed in Me etc., it is determined that in the scriptures the importance completely lies only in dedicating [everything] to the Brahman; and it is declared that this present scripture (the Holy Bhagavatgita) is of use [only] in the case of one who cultivates [the attitude of] dedication to the Brahman. Also He says - English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary 18.65 What is enjoined in Vedanta texts such as I know the Great Person of the radiance of the sun, who is beyond this Prakrti. Knowing Him thus, one becomes here immortal; there is no path for immortality (Sve. U., 3.8); what is designated by words such as knowledge (Vedanta), meditation (Dhyana) and worship (Upasana); what is of the form of direct perception (Darsana) having the character of continuous succession of memory of a surpassingly loving nature to the worshipped - it is this that is enjoined herein by the words Focus your mind on Me, Be My devotee. It means, be one to whom I am incomparably dear. Since I am the object of superabundant love, meditate on Me, i.e., practise the succession of memory of unsurpassed love of Me. Such is the meaning. Be My worshipper (yaji). Here also the expression, Be My devotee is applicable. Yajna is worship. Worship Me as one exceedingly dear to you. Worship (Aradhana) is complete subservience to the Lord. Prostrate before Me. Prostration means bowing down. The meaning is: Bow down humbly before Me with great love. Renouncing thus all ego-centredness, you shall come to Me. I make this solemn promise to you. Do not take it as a mere flattery. For you are dear to Me. It has been already stated, For I am inexpressibly dear to the man of knowledge and dear is he to Me (7.17). He in whom there is surpassing love for Me, I hold him also as surpassingly dear to Me. Conseently, not being able to bear separation from him, I myself will enable him to attain Me. It is this truth alone that has been solemnly declared to you in the expression that you shall come to Me alone. Commentary - Chakravarthi Ji The phrase bhava mad-bhakto means “Being my devotee, think of me.” The Lord says this to exclude the other possibilities. He does not mean, “Be a jnani or be a yogi and meditate on me.” Or the phrase man-mana can mean: “Give your mind as a gift to me, Syamasundara, with moon-like face, with shining locks of hair and beautiful eye brows, raining nectar in the form of glances of sweet mercy.” And then bhava mad bhaktah can mean, “And give all your senses such as the ears to me. Perform worship of me (bhava mad bhaktah) using all the senses with such services as hearing, chanting, seeing my murti, cleaning and anointing my temple, picking flowers, and offering me garlands, ornaments, umbrella and camara.” And then the Lord says, “Give me objects such as gandha, flowers, incense, lamp and naivedya. Be my worshipper. Perform my worship.” (mad yaji). And then Lord says, “O, just give my respects, (mam namaskuru) Falling on the ground with the whole body, offer respects, by touching the body to the ground with eight limbs.” “Of these four – thinking of me, serving me with senses, worshipping me with items and offering respects to me – do all of them or any of them, and you will attain me (mam eva esyasi). Make an offering of your mind, your senses, or items of worship unto me, and I make an oath to you (te satyam): I will give myself to you.” The word satyam implies something of which there is no doubt. According to the Amara Kosa, satyam means an oath and truth. “Well, the people born in the land of Mathura make such oaths in every sentence.” That is true. In that case, under oath (pratijane) I declare, “You are dear to me. No one cheats a person dear to himself.” Rudra Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Now the essence of all confidential knowledge contained in Srimad Bhagavad- Gita will be revealed by the Supreme Lord. Dedicate your mind to Lord Krishna. Be solely devoted to Lord Krishna. Give humble obeisance to Lord Krishna. Offer joyful propitiation to Lord Krishna. Living life in this way one will surely attain direct communion with Him by the spiritual wisdom bestowed by His Grace. One should not have any doubts about this for it is reality. Lord Krishna is extremely affectionate to His surrendered devotees. That is why He personally promises this eternal benediction which bequeaths both the purpose and the goal of material existence for the highest benefit of His devotees for all times. Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Now Lord Krishna reveals the essence, the most confidential of all knowledge within Srimad Bhagavad Gita which will secure permanent release from samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death, guarantee moksa or liberation from material existence and propel spiritual ascendance unto eternal communion with the Supreme Lord. Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Manmana bhava is a divine command that means to always have Lord Krishna completely and blissfully in ones thoughts, to absorb oneself in Him. This is also established in the Vedic scriptures where we find in the Taittiriyaranyaka Upanisad III.XII beginning vedaham etam stating: The Resplendent Supreme Lord more radiant then thousands of suns is realised by absorbing the mind in Him by meditation. Realising Him Him one attains moksa liberation from material existence. There exists no other path to immortality. This devotional absorption in Lord Krishna is of such magnitude and intensity that its meditation becomes a vision and the vision becomes an ever flowing current of devotion that is so vivid that the experience actually enters the realm of reality. Mad-bhakta is to offer all ones loving emotions to Lord Krishna enthralled by love overflowing with enthusiasm, exuberance and excitement. Mad-yagi is to worship Lord Krishna with love. To install Him in ones heart as their personal worshipable diety. Such worship is the performance of the entire services that a liege administers to His sovereign on a daily basis upon waking untill sleeping. Yagi comes from yajana which is synonymous with pujana or worship and denotes aradhanam the most equisite loving worship. Therefore it is not a mere dry, formal observation of ceremonial ritual enacted out of duty. It is love flowing from the heart. It is a testament of devotion from the eternal svarupa or ones immortal spiritual form. Mad yagi should be interpreted as offering ones self to Lord Krishna as a brother, as a parent or as a beloved with a heart full of love. Mam namaskuru is to enshrine Lord Krishna in the heart with the utmost, love, devotion and faith. Namas comes from namanam meaning obeisance. Such obeisance is not a mere habitual genuflexion; but a sublime expression of sincere gratitude and humility that constitutes an emotion of love felt internally. If a blessed devotee of Lord Krishna arrives at this exalted vista of bhakti or exclusive loving devotion then the Supreme Lord will not hesitate to have their eternal individual association with Him in the immortal spiritual worlds. This is the truth that He Himself promises. It should never be interpreted as being just a metaphor or mere flowery prose. Such a hypothesis would not be genuine and incorrect. Wherever there is a heart that has so much love for Lord Krishna then there is as much love from Lord Krishna back to them. Lord Krishnas love is such that He finds it impossible to bear the separation from such surrendered and dedicated devotees and therefore without delay He personally brings them to Him directly in their eternal spiritual body even while their physical body is concluding its last life in material existence. So it should be clearly and emphatically understood that the Supreme Lord Krishnas solemn promise to His surrendered devotees is the total truth and nothing other than truth for which He pledges to vouch safe for His devotees for all eternity. Kumara Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Manmana bhava is a divine command that means to always have Lord Krishna completely and blissfully in ones thoughts, to absorb oneself in Him. This is also established in the Vedic scriptures where we find in the Taittiriyaranyaka Upanisad III.XII beginning vedaham etam stating: The Resplendent Supreme Lord more radiant then thousands of suns is realised by absorbing the mind in Him by meditation. Realising Him Him one attains moksa liberation from material existence. There exists no other path to immortality. This devotional absorption in Lord Krishna is of such magnitude and intensity that its meditation becomes a vision and the vision becomes an ever flowing current of devotion that is so vivid that the experience actually enters the realm of reality. Mad-bhakta is to offer all ones loving emotions to Lord Krishna enthralled by love overflowing with enthusiasm, exuberance and excitement. Mad-yagi is to worship Lord Krishna with love. To install Him in ones heart as their personal worshipable diety. Such worship is the performance of the entire services that a liege administers to His sovereign on a daily basis upon waking untill sleeping. Yagi comes from yajana which is synonymous with pujana or worship and denotes aradhanam the most equisite loving worship. Therefore it is not a mere dry, formal observation of ceremonial ritual enacted out of duty. It is love flowing from the heart. It is a testament of devotion from the eternal svarupa or ones immortal spiritual form. Mad yagi should be interpreted as offering ones self to Lord Krishna as a brother, as a parent or as a beloved with a heart full of love. Mam namaskuru is to enshrine Lord Krishna in the heart with the utmost, love, devotion and faith. Namas comes from namanam meaning obeisance. Such obeisance is not a mere habitual genuflexion; but a sublime expression of sincere gratitude and humility that constitutes an emotion of love felt internally. If a blessed devotee of Lord Krishna arrives at this exalted vista of bhakti or exclusive loving devotion then the Supreme Lord will not hesitate to have their eternal individual association with Him in the immortal spiritual worlds. This is the truth that He Himself promises. It should never be interpreted as being just a metaphor or mere flowery prose. Such a hypothesis would not be genuine and incorrect. Wherever there is a heart that has so much love for Lord Krishna then there is as much love from Lord Krishna back to them. Lord Krishnas love is such that He finds it impossible to bear the separation from such surrendered and dedicated devotees and therefore without delay He personally brings them to Him directly in their eternal spiritual body even while their physical body is concluding its last life in material existence. So it should be clearly and emphatically understood that the Supreme Lord Krishnas solemn promise to His surrendered devotees is the total truth and nothing other than truth for which He pledges to vouch safe for His devotees for all eternity. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 18.65Manmanaa bhava madbhakto madyaajee maam namaskuru; Maamevaishyasi satyam te pratijaane priyo’si me. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 18.65mat-manāḥ—thinking of me; bhava—be; mat-bhaktaḥ—my devotee; mat-yājī—worship me; mām—to me; namaskuru—offer obeisance; mām—to me; eva—certainly; eṣhyasi—you will come; satyam—truly; te—to you; pratijāne—I promise; priyaḥ—dear; asi—you are; me—to me