Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 53 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 53 अहङ्कारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं परिग्रहम्। विमुच्य निर्ममः शान्तो ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते।।18.53।। English Translation - Swami Sivananda 18.53 Having abandoned egoism, strength, arrogance, desire, anger and covetousness, and free from the notion of mine and peaceful, he is fit for becoming Brahman. English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 18.53 (That person) vimucya, having discarded; ahan-karam, egotism, thinking of the body, organs, etc. as the ego; balam, force-which is associated with desire and attachment; not the other kind of strength consisting in the fitness of the body etc., becuase being natural it cannot be descarded-; darpam, pride, which follows elation and leads to transgresson of righteousness-for the Smrti says, An elated person becomes proud; a proud man transgresses righteousness (Ap. Dh. Su. 1.13.4); kamam, desire; krodham, anger, aversion; parigraham, superfluous possessions-even after removing the defects in the organs and the mind, there arises the possibility of acceptance of gifts either for the maintenance of the body or for righteous duties; discarding them as well, i.e. becoming a mendicant of the param-hamsa class; nirmamah, free from the idea of possession, becoming devoid of the idea of me and mine even with regard to so much as ones body and life; and for the very same reason, santah, serene, withdrawn; the monk who is effortless and steadfast in Knowledge, kalpate, becomes fit; brahma-bhuyaya, for becoming Brahman. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 18.53Ahankaaram balam darpam kaamam krodham parigraham; Vimuchya nirmamah shaanto brahmabhooyaaya kalpate. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 18.53buddhyā—intellect; viśhuddhayā—purified; yuktaḥ—endowed with; dhṛityā—by determination; ātmānam—the intellect; niyamya—restraining; cha—and; śhabda-ādīn viṣhayān—sound and other objects of the senses; tyaktvā—abandoning; rāga-dveṣhau—attachment and aversion; vyudasya—casting aside; cha—and; vivikta-sevī—relishing solitude; laghu-āśhī—eating light; yata—controls; vāk—speech; kāya—body; mānasaḥ—and mind; dhyāna-yoga-paraḥ—engaged in meditation; nityam—always; vairāgyam—dispassion; samupāśhritaḥ—having taken shelter of; ahankāram—egotism; balam—violence; darpam—arrogance; kāmam—desire; krodham—anger; parigraham—selfishness; vimuchya—being freed from; nirmamaḥ—without possessiveness of property; śhāntaḥ—peaceful; brahma-bhūyāya—union with Brahman; kalpate—is fit