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⮪ BG 18.11 Bhagwad Gita Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya BG 18.13⮫

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 12

भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 12

अनिष्टमिष्टं मिश्रं च त्रिविधं कर्मणः फलम्।
भवत्यत्यागिनां प्रेत्य न तु संन्यासिनां क्वचित्।।18.12।।

हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी तेजोमयानंद

।।18.12।। कर्मों के शुभ? अशुभ और मिश्र ये त्रिविध फल केवल अत्यागी जनों को मरण के पश्चात् भी प्राप्त होते हैं परन्तु संन्यासी पुरुषों को कदापि नहीं।।

Brahma Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary

Renunciation is being praised and is beneficial for all humanity regardless of status or class. But merely renouncing actions is not sufficient. For those enlightened by the light of spiritual wisdom and those aspirants serious about moksa or liberation from material existence the desire for any rewards in the performance of prescribed Vedic activities have been completely abandoned. For them the only goal is the eternal bliss of attaining communion with the Supreme Lord which is their hearts desire. Such enlightened ones perform activities not for the expectation of any rewards but out of compassion for the benefit of all created beings. The word sannyasinam means totally renounced and this denotes that one never performs activities associated with desire even if they are for the benefit of others. Such sannyasis or celibate monks in the renounced order along with sages, ascetics, rishis and paramahamsas who have already surrendered everything to the Supreme Lord are no longer associated with desires as is a normal human being and thus they take action by inaction. They have terminated all karma or reactions to actions and have transcended samskara the perpetual cycle of birth and death. They exist aloof from the world both internally and externally and wholly devote themselves to atma tattva or realisation of the immortal soul and inner meditation on the Supreme Lord Krishna or any of His authorised incarnations and expansions as revealed in Vedic scriptures.