Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 8 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 15 श्लोक 8 शरीरं यदवाप्नोति यच्चाप्युत्क्रामतीश्वरः। गृहीत्वैतानि संयाति वायुर्गन्धानिवाशयात्।।15.8।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 15.8) ।।15.8।।जैसे वायु गन्धके स्थानसे गन्धको ग्रहण करके ले जाती है? ऐसे ही शरीरादिका स्वामी बना हुआ जीवात्मा भी जिस शरीरको छोड़ता है? वहाँसे मनसहित इन्द्रियोंको ग्रहण करके फिर जिस शरीरको प्राप्त होता है? उसमें चला जाता है। English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 15.8 Yat, when; isvarah, the master of the aggregate of the body etc., the individual soul; utkramati, leaves the body, then he draws. Thus, the second arter of the verse is treated first for the sake of consistency. [When the soul leaves the body, then it draws the organs (see previous verses) from that body. In this way, the second arter of the present verse is treated first, because going to another body follows the leaving of the earlier one.-M.S.] Ca api, and even; yat, when; it avapnoti, assumes a body other than the earlier one; then, grahitva, taking; etani, these, the organs with the mind as their sixth; samyati, he leaves, goes away totally [Samyak, totally-without returning in any way to the earlier body.-M.S.] Like what? In reply the Lord says: iva, as; vayuh, the wind (carries away); gandhan, odours; asayat, from their receptacles-flowers etc. Which, again, are those (organs)? English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 15.8 Sariram etc. Attains to : seizes. Goes up : abandones along with them. Just as the wind, going everywhere reaches an abode of rest made of earth and carrying away thence an odour enters just with that into another place, in the same way does the individual Soul together with the octad of cities. So far the association of the individual Soul with them ( the sense organs etc.) at both the stages of creation and of withdrawal has been described. Now it is being decided that It acts only in association with them even at the stage of existence which consists of acts like standing, sitting, contemplating etc. and which is a stage of receiving objects- English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary 15.8 Whatever body It acires, and from whatever body It departs, the lord of the senses, i.e., the self, goes on Its way taking with It the senses with the subtle elements, just like the wind carrying scents from place to place. Just as the wind takes away scents with subtle parts from flower-garlands, sandal, musk and the rest from their places and moves elsewhere - so does the self. What are these senses? Sri Krsna explains: Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 15.8Shareeram yadavaapnoti yacchaapyutkraamateeshwarah; Griheetwaitaani samyaati vaayurgandhaanivaashayaat. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 15.8śharīram—the body; yat—as; avāpnoti—carries; yat—as; cha api—also; utkrāmati—leaves; īśhvaraḥ—the Lord of the material body, the embodied soul; gṛihītvā—taking; etāni—these; sanyāti—goes away; vāyuḥ—the air; gandhān—fragrance; iva—like; āśhayāt—from seats