Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 5 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 15 श्लोक 5 निर्मानमोहा जितसङ्गदोषा अध्यात्मनित्या विनिवृत्तकामाः। द्वन्द्वैर्विमुक्ताः सुखदुःखसंज्ञै र्गच्छन्त्यमूढाः पदमव्ययं तत्।।15.5।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 15.5) ।।15.5।।जो मान और मोहसे रहित हो गये हैं? जिन्होंने आसक्तिसे होनेवाले दोषोंको जीत लिया है? जो नित्यनिरन्तर परमात्मामें ही लगे हुए हैं? जो (अपनी दृष्टिसे) सम्पूर्ण कामनाओंसे रहित हो गये हैं? जो सुखदुःखरूप द्वन्द्वोंसे मुक्त हो गये हैं? ऐसे (ऊँची स्थितिवाले) मोहरहित साधक भक्त उस अविनाशी परमपद(परमात्मा) को प्राप्त होते हैं। Shri Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Those blessed jivas or embodied beings who have relinquished such illusions as love for things not related to the atma or immortal soul attain unto the Supreme Lord Krishna as their saviour. The evils of desire and attachment captivates one by sense gratification bewilderd by the three gunas or modes of material nature. Those that surmount this are: 1) nirmana mohan means free from pride and false ego conception of being their body 2) adhyatma-nityah means those engrossed in the eternal knowledge of the atma 3) vinivrtta-kamah means totally free from lusty desires by only desiring the atma 4) vimukta dvandvair means completely liberated from conceptions of dualities Those that achieve the above attain avyayam padam or the eternal supreme transcendental state by atma tattva or realisation of the immortal soul and its unlimited intelligence characterised by it infinitely expanded consciousness. To those whose faith in the Supreme Lord Krishna is bonafide by acceptance of a spiritual guru in authorised disciplic succession and whose devotion is absolute due to the mercy of the spiritual master and receiving knowledge of bhakti or exclusive loving devotion unto the Supreme Lord. Then Lord Krishna Himself initiates the previously mentioned four attributes and their success is effected solely by His grace. Then they are all easily traversed until perfection comes and the goal is reached.