Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 7 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 14 श्लोक 7 रजो रागात्मकं विद्धि तृष्णासङ्गसमुद्भवम्। तन्निबध्नाति कौन्तेय कर्मसङ्गेन देहिनम्।।14.7।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी रामसुख दास जी ( भगवद् गीता 14.7) ।।14.7।।हे कुन्तीनन्दन तृष्णा और आसक्तिको पैदा करनेवाले रजोगुणको तुम रागस्वरूप समझो। वह कर्मोंकी आसक्तिसे शरीरधारीको बाँधता है। English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 14.7 Viddhi, know; rajas to be ragatmakam, of the nature of passion (-raga is derived in the sense of that which colours-), having the property of colouring, like the ochre pigment etc.; trsna-asanga-samud-bhavam, born of hankering and attachment-hankering is the longing for things not acired; attachment is the clining-of the nature of fondness-of the mind to things in possession. O son of Kunti, tat, that, that rajas; nibadhnati, binds; dehinam, the embodied one; karma-sangena, through attachment to actions. Deep involvement in actions related to seen or unseen objects is karmasangah. Rajas binds through that. English Translation of Commentary - Dr. S. Sankaranarayan 14.7 See Comment under 14.8 English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary 14.7 Rajas is of the nature of passion, namely, it causes sexual desire. Passion (Raga) is mutual yearning between a man and a woman. Springing from thirst and attachment means it is the source of sensuality and attachment. Trsna, (thirst, sensuality) is the longing for all sense-objects, such as sound etc. Sanga (attachment) is the inordinate longing for union with ones sons, friends and such other relations. By creating longing for actions, it binds the embodied self. Whatever actions have been begun by the self from longiing for sensual enjoyments, they become the cause of births in bodies that constitute the means for experiencing such enjoyments. Therefore Rajas binds the embodied self through attachment to actions. What is said is this: Rajas is the cause of sexuality, sensuality and attachment, and of constant engagement in actions. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 14.7Rajo raagaatmakam viddhi trishnaasangasamudbhavam; Tannibadhnaati kaunteya karmasangena dehinam. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 14.7rajaḥ—mode of passion; rāga-ātmakam—of the nature of passion; viddhi—know; tṛiṣhṇā—desires; saṅga—association; samudbhavam—arises from; tat—that; nibadhnāti—binds; kaunteya—Arjun, the son of Kunti; karma-saṅgena—through attachment to fruitive actions; dehinam—the embodied soul