Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 38 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 10 श्लोक 38 दण्डो दमयतामस्मि नीतिरस्मि जिगीषताम्। मौनं चैवास्मि गुह्यानां ज्ञानं ज्ञानवतामहम्।।10.38।। हिंदी अनुवाद - स्वामी तेजोमयानंद ।।10.38।। मैं दमन करने वालों का दण्ड हूँ और विजयेच्छुओं की नीति हूँ मैं गुह्यों में मौन हूँ और ज्ञानवानों का ज्ञान हूँ।। Kumara Vaishnava Sampradaya - Commentary Lord Krishna reveals that of damayatam or chastisers His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the rod of punishment that punishes those who are infringement of the law. Of those who seek to succeed in conflict His vibhuti is the expedient policy of reconciliation, dissension, bribery and dominance. Of all matters concerning secrecy His vibhuti is maunam or silence.