Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 38 भगवद् गीता अध्याय 1 श्लोक 38 यद्यप्येते न पश्यन्ति लोभोपहतचेतसः। कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं मित्रद्रोहे च पातकम्।।1.38।। English Translation - Swami Sivananda 1.38. Though they, with intelligence overpowered by greed, see no evil in the destruction of families, and no sin in hostility to friends, English Translation of Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya's 1.38 Sri Sankaracharya did not comment on this sloka. The commentary starts from 2.10. Transliteration Bhagavad Gita 1.38Yadyapyete na pashyanti lobhopahatachetasah; Kulakshayakritam dosham mitradrohe cha paatakam. Word Meanings Bhagavad Gita 1.38yadi api—even though; ete—they; na—not; paśhyanti—see; lobha—greed; upahata—overpowered; chetasaḥ—thoughts; kula-kṣhaya-kṛitam—in annihilating their relatives; doṣham—fault; mitra-drohe—to wreak treachery upon friends; cha—and; pātakam—sin; katham—why; na—not; jñeyam—should be known; asmābhiḥ—we; pāpāt—from sin; asmāt—these; nivartitum—to turn away; kula-kṣhaya—killing the kindered; kṛitam—done; doṣham—crime; prapaśhyadbhiḥ—who can see; janārdana—he who looks after the public, Shree Krishna